Weekend Project: Dance (or cook or paint) your booty off

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Several exciting new initiatives have been announced since our last roundup of contests and programs. For all of these things, you can parlay your video-making skills and natural talents into one-of-a-kind opportunities:

Next Food Network Star: The Food Network is taking to YouTube to find culinary talents to compete for the chance to host their own TV show. DUE: July 16, 2010

YouTube Play: Submit your dazzlingly creative art video for the chance to be part of a special exhibit at the Guggenheim this fall. DUE: July 31, 2010

Dance Studio: Step-Up 3D director Jon M. Chu is looking for the next generation of hip-hop, jazz-funk and b-boy/girl dancers on YouTube. You could win a trip to L.A. to hang with Chu, participate in a special jam session, and the chance to be in an upcoming Ultra Records music video. DUE: August 2, 2010

Editing video in the cloud with the YouTube Video Editor



Did you hear the news? We just launched a basic online YouTube Video Editor. Read all about it in our main blog and check out this tutorial from the team that built it:

There's also a great step-by-step guide in this SF Gate article.

Show us what you create with it by leaving your video's URL below.

Videomaker tips on time manipulation

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Our friends over at Videomaker magazine are generously sharing their expertise and articles here in the Creator's Corner. It's a good thing, too: Videomaker.com teaches every aspect of video production, no matter your skill level. You will find hundreds of articles and videos about audio, video and lighting, tools and techniques, video editing and special effects, how to find financing and distribution, and much more. Their first guest post is all about "tips on time manipulation" -- in other words, techniques on keeping your video moving at a good pace.

The problem with movies, and perhaps, also, the greatest thing about them, is you just can't show everything that happens to your character. It would take too long, and be extremely boring. So how does one go about editing out the unnecessary content? By manipulating time to your liking.

One way to portray a passage of time without taking a lot of time to show it is with the use of cross-dissolves. A commonly used application of this technique is the long walk on a deserted road. This is usually a wide shot of the character, way off in the distance, walking towards the camera. As an editor, you could allow this scene to play in its entirety, with the character taking the 10 minutes to actually walk to the camera. However, since this would be agonizingly boring to watch, it's a perfect time to add some cross dissolves.

Start by establishing the scene and allow the character to walk for about five seconds. Using a cross-dissolve transition, cut to a part of the footage where the character is closer to the camera, maybe half the distance or so. Again, allow the character to walk for about five seconds. Use another cross-dissolve and cut to a point where the character has reached the camera, but continues walking. This will give the viewer the impression that your character just walked the whole stretch of road, without actually having to view the whole journey.

There are many ways to you can use this technique, as well as other time manipulation techniques, such as a montage, time-lapse, speeding up or slowing down your footage. So, be creative in your editing, and remember, as an editor, time is always on your side.

For more ideas on how to manipulate time in your video, check out Timeline: Time Control at Videomaker.com.

Creators Call-Out: YouTube Play: A Biennial of Creative Video

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Earlier today, we announced a major initiative with the Guggenheim called YouTube Play: A Biennial of Creative Video. Basically, we're looking for animation, motion graphics, narrative, non-narrative, documentary work, music video or even entirely new art forms. The point is to garner some of the finest video-based creative work from across the globe and then to showcase it in a first-of-a-kind exhibit at Guggenheim museums in New York, Bilbao, Venice and Berlin later this year. There's lots more detail on this competition in the main YouTube blog.

And if you've seen the cool call-out video...

...there's also a neat behind-the-scenes video about how they achieved the special effects. It's worth checking out!

Weekend Project: GOOOAAALLL!

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Join the worldwide cheer emanating from around the globe: the ecstatic, long-winded "Gooooooooaaallll" that comes when one's beloved team scores. Visa is inviting you to submit your best expression of the world "Gooooooooaaallll" on video, kind of like this guy:

On the channel, you can sort by country to hear the cheers from people in that part of the world, played back-to-back, if you like.

Wedding Videography

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June is wedding season, and these videos will teach you how to capture those special moments on camera. Have your friends study up (and practice), and maybe you could spare the expense of a professional...

- Go to the rehearsal or get to the wedding early to scout out the best shooting locations
- Make sure you have the right gear: tripod, remote mic, extension cord, extra batteries
- Shoot dramatic, low light scenes
- Shoot lots of footage and lengthy scenes
- Shoot everything - wide shots and details; the more footage you have, the better
- Use a camera with a built-in hard drive or have lots of extra media

- Use multiple cameras to cover all the action
- If you're a one-man band, fix cameras in several locations, and use your main camera to rove
- Get a program in advance, so you know what will happen during the ceremony

Weekend Project: Philips Cinema Challenge

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Filmmakers may want to take note of this contest from Philips, inviting you to create the sixth film in the "Parallel Lines" series. Watch this video for details:

Ridley Scott will choose the winning videographer, who will get a home cinema system from Philips and one week's worth of work experience at RSA Films in New York, London, Los Angeles or Hong Kong.

There will also be a public vote winner who'll get some cool stuff, too.

You've got until August 8, 2010 to enter. Official rules and more details are here. Good luck!

June Homepage Opportunities

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A bunch of you tagged videos that came in very handy for our Mother's Day and Pac-Man's birthday spotlights last month, so thanks for reading and contributing!

Now we're thinking about Spotlight Videos (if you don't see this module on your homepage, add it here) for the month of June. Spotlights run a few times per week and showcase interesting and timely videos from our community and partners, all organized around an event or theme. Tag any appropriate and relevant video with the tags below to be considered for these spotlights, and please do so well before the date listed below. Please also note that themes and dates are subject to change and spotlights may be added or dropped without notice.

6/10 - World Cup: who's your team? what are your predictions? let's see what *you* can do with a soccer ball (tag: ytworldcup)
6/17 - E3: we're looking to feature the latest from this year's video game expo (tag: yte3)
6/20 - Father's Day: we've already got a curator for Father's Day set, but if you've got other dad-centric videos tag 'em for our Twitter stream (tag: ytdads)

If you've got ideas for spotlights or want to curate, please leave a comment below with your YouTube channel name.

Mia Quagliarello, Product Marketing Manager, Community, recently watched "Take a Look at My (Moo) Card."